Citing SWoTTeD
If you use SWoTTeD
in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations:
Bibtex entry:
@misc{Sebia23_SWoTTeD_ArXiV, title = {SWoTTeD: An Extension of Tensor Decomposition to Temporal Phenotyping}, author = {Hana Sebia and Thomas Guyet and Etienne Audureau}, year = {2023}, eprint = {2310.01201}, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, url = {} }Bibtex entry:
@inproceedings{Sebia23_SWoTTeD, author = {Hana Sebia and Thomas Guyet and Etienne Audureau}, title = {Une extension de la d{\'{e}}composition tensorielle au ph{\'{e}}notypage temporel}, booktitle = {Actes de la conf{\'e}rence Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC)}, volume = {{E-39}}, pages = {43--54}, publisher = {Editions {RNTI}}, year = {2023}, url = {} }